Technology Makes Us More Alone

Technology Makes Us More Alone

What is Technology? Technology defines the practical implementation of machine and natural elements by a specific species. In human society technology is the obvious result of science and engineering. How the species can adopt and use their environment that is decided by technology. I’m here to talk about how technology is making us alone and Read more about Technology Makes Us More Alone[…]

healthcare technology

Healthcare Technology: How Technology Has Changed Healthcare

How many of us actually know about healthcare technology? What is the modern healthcare science? What are the new inventions to prevent diseases? Are we all aware of it? Is healthcare only mean about physical? Let’s have a look what are healthcare and its technology about. What is Healthcare? Healthcare is the act of taking Read more about Healthcare Technology: How Technology Has Changed Healthcare[…]

emerging technologies

The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Business

It is 2018 and we can see different aspects of our lives changing due to improvement in technologies. Business is the most important topic in this context. What was once driven by the merit of individuals and capitalist economy, has since adapted with these emerging technologies. If we take some time and look back, we Read more about The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Business[…]


How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?

Many of us think that the term “Artificial Intelligence” introduced in 1956 by scientist Mack Kathie. But are we sure about it? Do we have any idea what is AI or how does it work? Let us have a look at a brief explanation of it through this article. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence Read more about How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?[…]