sales lead

Understanding Sales Lead & Lead Generation

Sales Lead is a very familiar term used in marketing. Sales lead is an integral part of business. In business there’s two person involved at least, one is the Seller & another is the Buyer. To put it simple and straight, let’s say you’re a business owner and you sell Gaming accessories. Now I’m asking Read more about Understanding Sales Lead & Lead Generation[…]

emerging technologies

The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Business

It is 2018 and we can see different aspects of our lives changing due to improvement in technologies. Business is the most important topic in this context. What was once driven by the merit of individuals and capitalist economy, has since adapted with these emerging technologies. If we take some time and look back, we Read more about The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Business[…]

the future of employment

Freelancing: The Future of Employment

                 Freelancing: The Future of Employment Many people expect to get formal employment upon completing school. However, due to large numbers of graduates entering the job market every year this is not the possible. The best option for them is freelancing. You might be asking yourself if freelancing Read more about Freelancing: The Future of Employment[…]